In space, no one can hear you scream.

A poster I designed for the sci-fi/horror classic, Alien. My inspiration for this design is rooted in other film posters of the same era that utilised illustration in their designs rather than photographs. These were were often titillating and visceral, presenting surreal tableaus straddling a fine line between sex and violence, and I wanted toContinue reading “In space, no one can hear you scream.”

Crumpler Hipster

A brief I did at college for a unit on advertising. We were tasked with creating an advertising campaign for Crumpler‘s light delight hipster. After conducting some target market research, I deduced that though bum bags have often gotten a bad rap, a lot of people would find them incredibly useful while travelling. My targetContinue reading “Crumpler Hipster”

Illustrated Book Covers.

For my subject on illustration, I had to illustrate the covers for 3 Penguin Classics books of my choosing, combining some stylistic elements of my two previously emulated illustrators, Shel Silverstein and Miguel Calatayud. For my illustration, I chose to depict a woman in aristocratic attire. The woman has been depicted without facial features, andContinue reading “Illustrated Book Covers.”